What we do

Combatives programs

Physical containment workshops for professionals who work with difficult populations.

Through continuous training and building, we have created combatives programs for professionals working with difficult populations. These programs are suited for:
- Law enforcement
- Firemen and emergency services
- Social workers and teachers
- Psychiatric nurses
- Security agents
- Psychologists and pedagogues  

These programs are tailored for professionals working with difficult populations being bound by a strict and limited legal framework. We also offer trainings in combatives for entreprises, schools and other institutions needing these skills. Our instructors are high-level Brazilian jiu jitsu athletes working in the educational sector. They are confronted on a daily basis with the same problems you are facing.

What we offer

- Knowledge about the psychology behind aggression and violence
- Techniques to physically contain without hurting (respecting your legal framework)
- Practical tools tailored to your environment
- Individualized workshops based on your team’s need
- Learn ways to remain calm and professional and integrate the tools to be an asset for the community.

Key Benefits:
- Take responsibility and action
- Learn about anger and breakdowns
- Learn non-physical ways to prevent these breakdowns
- Learn the tools to contain physically without hurting
- Learn to remain calm when facing adversity - master your emotions
- Continue building relationship with the community without losing hope

Anti-bullying programs

We also offer anti-bullying programs for classes in schools. Looking at the dynamics behind bullying behaviours, we have created an anti-bullying program for teenagers. This course covers the psychology of bullying, the prevention and the possible ways to protect yourself from it.

Key Benefits:
- Learn the psychology behind bullying
- Learn ways to prevent this from happening
- Take action and learn how to escape from it
- Learn to protect yourself and others

Rape prevention programs

We look at the most important things when talking about rape: the nature and the psychology behind it. This knowledge has to go hand in hand with practical tools to prevent it. We also include a specific combative part to learn ways to increase your chances of escaping.

Key Benefits:
- Learn the psychology behind aggression and sexual violence
- Education about the different types of sexual violence
- Learn to reduce risk factors
- Learn to detect danger around you